No! We are not shopping our way across the continent but there were a few things that we had to get before heading further south one of which was a reliable generator. This is the third generator we've purchased this year. We can only hope three is the charm. We finally found a Yamaha 2000 which is supposed to be as good & quiet as a Honda but is a few dollars cheaper. We then decided to wander into the Walmart Mega Super Store and were google eyed at the prices and selection of merchandise. Susie had to try a $3/bottle of wine - which is actually quite good. JD pondered the beer prices yet again and decided the Busch and Milwaukee were running neck and neck for being the cheapest. Good judgement overcame valour and he stuck with the Coors although a little more expensive. Oh yes and the food prices were awesome too.
Going to Algodones was a quick reminder of the assault on our senses. The sights, smells, noise, colours and people quickly remind you of what is Mexico. We hunted down the glasses place a both of us were fitted for new glasses. While they were grinding the coke bottles we ventured out for lunch and to arrange our 6 month tourist visas. Susie was pleasantly surprised when the fellow worked over her old reading glasses and sunglasses and got them fitting like they've never fit before. The grand total for 2 pair of progressive glasses was $188.
We should mention that our wardrobe now consists of T-shirts and shorts a far cry from the wool sweaters and lined blue jeans we left Canada in. Surprisingly we haven't missed the rain a bit. Muck! Muck! We will be leaving Yuma Sunday morn to make the grand entrance to Mexico. As the only thing lacking at our economical ($8.50/night) RV park oasis is the internet we are forced to find it where ever we can and preferable free. Thankfully we were told about the public library access and that is where I am right now. It occured to us today that it is taking us longer to get to Mexico than most people's holidays! Yes we certainly are enjoying ourselves!
We know you are wondering how Skeena is fairing on this adventure so some of the pictures for today are of the Golden Retriever bird dog overcoming her phobia of duck decoys. We're so very proud of her! Ha! Ha!