Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Snorkeling at Playa Chelano - 12 Jan 2010

As you can tell we are much enamored with the boats down here.

The day dawned sunny and warm...again. So we decided to hit the beach and do some snorkeling. Thanks to Cindy and Bob we knew how and where to find this lovely beach. The water was a little cooler than when we swam in Los Ceretos last week. However we weren't disappointed with the variety of fish we were able to view. It was like peering through a lively aquarium where you were an active participant. JD decided to liven it up a bit by feeding the fish crumbled granola bar and bread crumbs. They were quite voracious little nibblers and were actually nipping his fingers. Susie decided to liven JD up a bit when they were headed back to the beach. He had lost site of her and she snuck up behind him and tweeked his nipple. As he described it, "I thought one of the little beggers was exacting his revenge on me". We hadn't sighted any Moray eels during our snorkeling but JD wasn't taking any chances as he slapped Susie's hand away. That is the busiest we have ever seen Chelano with snorkeling cruises rolling in and out as fast as the waves. And there were even whiter bodies than JD's showing up on the beach.

We spent Jan 11 seeking out a mandatory, long overdue, oil change for the truck. When it only took half a day rather than the full day we had planned we were left wondering what to do for the rest day. Nap time won out. Did we mention how easily we've slipped into the Mexican traditions such as the coveted siesta? We did go check out some other RV spots but decided that we're better off to stay right where we are. It's clean and and we're comfortable here. We intend to head towards La Ribera and Los Bariles on Friday.

One of our offspring is headed off to Europe with his beautiful girlfriend. We wish for them many days of blue skies, wonderful adventures, congenial people to cross their paths, and love with a heavy dose of happiness thrown in. We don't have to ponder to long or hard as to where he got his wander lust from.

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